1. Camp-Because we got to learn new experiences.
2. Meeting class /Jo- it was cool to meet our class because we learnt more about each other
3. Tech-we enjoyed learning about technology and technology out comes.
4. Rich task-For rich task we enjoyed making our 3-D letters.
5. Mufti day - we got to wear what ever we want.
6. Sport- getting great scores. Teamwork.
7.Making new friends.
8.Capture the flag because it was really fun playing against other classes.
1. No hats- we are looking forward to have no hats in term 2 , because it would be easier for us to play and with hats they just fly of our heads .
2. P.E/ sport - Getting fit and lots of fun enjoying P.E / sport.
3. Stepz Dance - we can't wait till stepz dance because we will be able to learn new style's.
5. learning languages - it would be great for us to learn more languages, good for our knowledge
6. Tech- Science is best because you get lollies. We have fun in testing and doing experiences.
7. philosophy- get to argue with people 2. you get to learn about peoples ideas 3. we learn to listen to people.
8. More art-Art is important to the school because art fuels children's imagination and teaches them to be creative .
9.More maths- we are looking forward to more maths because we get to do decimals.And we hope we all get a challenge.