Friday, 19 April 2013

Our best moments and hopes

Hi , here are room 5's top moments for term 1 and our hopes for term 2. Enjoy.

1. Camp-Because we got to learn new experiences.
2. Meeting class /Jo-  it was cool to meet our class because we learnt more about each other
3. Tech-we enjoyed learning about technology and technology out comes.
4. Rich task-For rich task we enjoyed making our 3-D letters.
5. Mufti day - we got to wear what ever we want.
6. Sport- getting great scores. Teamwork.
7.Making new friends.
8.Capture the flag because it was really fun playing against other classes.

1. No hats- we are looking forward to have no hats in term 2 , because it would be easier for us to play and with hats they just fly of our heads . 
2. P.E/ sport - Getting fit and lots of fun enjoying P.E / sport.
3. Stepz Dance - we can't wait till stepz dance because we will be able to learn new style's.
5. learning languages - it would be great for us to learn more languages, good for our knowledge
6. Tech- Science is best because you get lollies. We have fun in testing and doing experiences.
7. philosophy- get to argue with people 2. you get to learn about peoples ideas 3. we learn to listen to people.
8. More art-Art is important to the school because art fuels children's imagination and teaches them to be creative .
9.More maths- we are looking forward to more maths because we get to do decimals.And we hope we all get a challenge.
10.Having more fun!!!!-More class games, like silent ball , softball , capture the flag.

Discussing our term 1 highlights and term 2 hopes

Term 1 - some of the highlights


Who says who we are?

WE DO!  And we said it loud and proud today in our Turangawaewae exhibition of visual mihimihis.  Each class had approached the idea in a unique and diverse way, and it was great to see the amazing results.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Letters Alive!

Our gussetted 3D letters are coming together really well.  We have papier mached them, painted them, and now we are collaging images that tell our story onto them.  We reckon they look sweet!

Friday, 5 April 2013

Room 5's creative gusseted letters

Recently room 5 has been creating some wonderful gusseted letters. We have all been having a lot of fun making these letters and we would like to share them with you all . Once we have finished creating these letters we will be paper macheing  and after we will be adding photos of our family and items that are special to us to create a turangawaewae collage on our letters.