Tuesday 21 May 2013

To accept or to decline?

We had an interesting discussion in Room 5 today - what do you do if someone you don't know asks to chat with you or be your friend online?  The video we watched (http://vimeo.com/18815761) said we should only accept friends we know in real life.  Some of us didn't fully agree with that.
However, we did all agree that, whatever you choose to do, it should be done only if safe, sensible and if you can change it.

Reasons to decline
You don't know them
It's not safe
They can be mean
You don't know who they are or why they are wanting to be your friend/chat

Reasons to accept
As long as you don't give them personal information, and as long as you can choose to block them or stop the chat.
You can meet interesting new people, including from overseas (like penpals)
You can make new friends with similar interests.



  1. I think its dangerous to connect with people because you really know how is your friend or not

  2. Thanks for your thoughts! What do other people think?
