Monday 29 July 2013

Social Justice - what does it mean to you?

This term for Rich Task we will be exploring social justice.

Discuss with your parents/caregivers: What does the term 'social justice' mean to you?  What do you think of when you think of 'social justice'?

Maybe it means nothing at all to you - have a skim read of the Wikipedia entry on 'social justice' to help orient you.

Sunday 14 July 2013

Kerwyn in London

My first week has been brilliant. When we were getting on the plane in Auckland I was very nervous as it was my first time on a plane but once I was in the air I hardly knew I was flying. The flight was over 11 hours long with a break in between in Singapore and then a 13 hour flight to London.
We are staying with my cousins and have just been on a trip to Stonehenge and a tank museum in Dorset. It was very cool walking around the stones at Stonehenge because we were lucky enough to go early in the morning and be able to walk around and inside the stone circle.
On Wednesday we on the London Eye and saw Big Ben. We also went to see Buckingham Palace. It had the guards in fluffy hats and everything. We also saw a policeman....he had a machine gun!...we think he fell asleep.
So all in all it was a very fascinating first week. Happy holidays.

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Chopper Challenge

Wow, what an opportunity the Chopper Challenge is next term!  We'll have 3 sessions of fitness training with Duncan and his team, including fitness tests the Westpac Rescue crew have to do.  The idea is for you to raise funds in sponsorship for doing this.  Westpac Rescue Helicopters are our 2nd allocated charity for this year.

The top 5 fundraisers across the Intermediate, and 2 students who give it heaps during the Challenge, will be flown to school in the Westpac Helicopter.

So, what do you think of this Challenge?  Do you like the idea of a helicopter flight, or does even the idea of it give you the wobblies?

Monday 1 July 2013

Luke's second day at school

Luke has now had two days at his new school up north.  What changes have you already noticed?