Tuesday 2 July 2013

Chopper Challenge

Wow, what an opportunity the Chopper Challenge is next term!  We'll have 3 sessions of fitness training with Duncan and his team, including fitness tests the Westpac Rescue crew have to do.  The idea is for you to raise funds in sponsorship for doing this.  Westpac Rescue Helicopters are our 2nd allocated charity for this year.

The top 5 fundraisers across the Intermediate, and 2 students who give it heaps during the Challenge, will be flown to school in the Westpac Helicopter.

So, what do you think of this Challenge?  Do you like the idea of a helicopter flight, or does even the idea of it give you the wobblies?


  1. Sounds very exciting!!!!!!!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. It sounds really exciting Beth!

  2. OH MY GOSH I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I don't think its that exiting. I have been in a helicopter before,I was very exited at first but I actually found it quit boring. All I did was fly up into the air, flu around and came back down again. All that happened was I saw the view of the area and the sea, all there was was blue water different coloured buildings and the green grass.I wouldn't be to exited about it but I would be a little exited.

    1. is being in a helicopter like being in a plane or diffrent?

    2. Yahya I've been in a helicopter as well!!
      Was that fun?

  4. I think it is exciting but I don't really think I will get a ride because is only 8 in the whole school. But it is still exciting to think I might but I don't think it is worth getting really excited about!!

  5. I would love to go in a helicopter but i dont think i like the challenges because i dont think i am fit enough to do them but i will give it a go

    1. For the challenges Best of Luck Ollie

    2. ollie think high and you can do it

      GARY / Soul Keeper

  6. I am really excited about the helicopter but for the challenges I am not that keen on doing it but I really like the idea of fundraising for this charity because they help lots of people so its good to give back!!!!

  7. i don't ride really mind about the ride and plus their is a hole school so your chances is like nothing. julia

  8. its goning to be fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can't wait

    GARY/Soul Keeper
