Wednesday 25 March 2015

Growth mindset

In Room 5, we have started talking about a culture of 'growth mindset' - seeing the brain and intelligence as something we can always be growing.

What are some other things Jo has mentioned when talking about this?

To start off our SSA, we had a go at doing something that we KNEW would not necessarily turn out great: Blind drawing of a portrait of one of our classmates.
How did that feel?  What was that like for you?

Discuss and answer these questions in the comments.


  1. This was a laugh! If you want a drawing that looks like the person, you must look at the paper to correct you mistakes. The drawings looked nothing like the people, but at least you got a laugh.


  2. The drawing was very hard so it ended up looking like a pre schoolers drawing, and because we had no acsess to a rubber and we couldnt look down at our drawing, or lift our pencil off the page.

  3. it was really fun and hard because we were not allowed to take the pencil of the paper

  4. it is hard, and who ever has the growth mindset i don't know how it will feel for them.I think it is very hard to write,draw and reading.

    when i was drawing my pencil was going somewhere else to draw someone and it made very hard for me to draw.

    i don't know how others will be feeling who have growth mindset.

    but it was funny what we drawed and we didn't know what we are drawing.

  5. it felt really weird because i didn't know where my pencil was going at all. i also liked it because it was a really fun activity to do and its something i haven done before.

  6. It was definitely an interesting experience, because generally you use your eyes to focus on what you are creating, without the sense of sight over out drawings, we produced some random pieces of art that barely resembled our classmates. I think ts a good thing to be able to observe someone and be detailed about their features, giving an insight into whats going on in your head, which you can learn from.
    - Andrew

  7. It was very confusing when we had to not look at our piece of paper but was VERY funny when we got to look at our drawings! It felt very weird not looking at our paper. For me it was really fun mostly because I just like drawing.


  8. I found it as though i was making a joke out of my partner ( which i was ) but it was extremley hard to keep a straight face and i found it fun!

    By Liana

  9. The drawing was very hard so it ended up looking like a preschoolers drawing, and because we had no access to a rubber and we couldn't look down at our drawing, or lift our pencil off the page.

  10. when i did this i felt nervous and a bit unhappy but at the end i got through it and knew that this is what i can be able to try again and again. Mahnaz hafeez

  11. I remember Jo said "a growth mindset is when you are eager to achieve your goal" ( or something like that ) and I definitely understand that. I know how it feels because when I was drawing the person, I felt REALLY frustrated because you weren't allowed to look at the paper and you weren't allowed to take your pencil off the paper but I was happy with what my result was in the end


  12. If you draw a person's face without looking at where your pencil is on the paper, then the drawing will end up very messy. Everyone ended up laughing at their own drawings.


  13. i think growth mindset is a great thing because when you say no your brain mentally dosent give up

  14. This "art" was super fun, also funny. Part of the fun was that you were tempted to glance down at the drawing. Then when you were finished and you looked down at it, it didnt turn out at all how you thought it would! I think this was a bit of fun for all of us.


  15. i felt crazy when i was doing it because i felt that my pencil was going to go of the page but it didn't when i finished it was a complete mess but it was fine because it was my first time doing it. :) - phoebe

  16. It was really tempting to see what we were drawing to get it perfect. But everyone tried their best. At the end it was actually fun. - keertana

  17. Doing the portraits were really fun but challenging because we couldn't lift our pencils off the paper, and we couldn't use our rubbers. Some of us tried to make some mistakes; the rest of us tried to draw as careful as we could, but in the end, they all looked really funny!!!

  18. when I was was doing it I found it hard not to look down and see what it looked like and when I did it looked totally different to what I thought.

  19. i thought it was really fun because we couldn't look at the piece of paper and also we couldn't take the pencil off the piece of paper so it all had to be one line.ALSO it was weird looking at the drawing after the time was up.

  20. I think they are a great task for our brains.They are great because they are different and a great task.

  21. I think that growth mindsets are awesome like that guy accomplished so much with his growth mindset

    George alien

  22. i wish i got to do that

  23. I guess it feels like an easy and fun. but once I did it was hard but fun.

  24. I found it funny how I was purposely trying to make a horrible (and pretty terrifying)
    drawing to make my self and the people around me laugh. Another especially fun thing was the reactions and expressions my friends gave me while I was doing the sketch. I think this type of drawing helps us in our observational skills, and also gives a sense of where we are taking our pencil. Overall I think this is a pretty good idea...

    Devya D.

  25. i felt very frustrated at the start cause we couldn't look at the paper or take the pencil off the paper for 1 minute but at the end everyone had a laugh.

