Friday 11 April 2014

The Auks in Scotland

OK, so first the answer to my castle riddle:  Congratulations to anyone who identified it as a roof (although it could just as easily have been a floor).  It was in fact the vaulted ceiling of a round room on the ground floor where the servants probably lived.  Here's me taking the photo.

Today we went to Stonehaven on the coast.  We visited a RSPB sanctuary - a section of the coastline protected by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, as it is a nesting site for a whole range of birds.

Here is your next challenge: Can you identify either of these two birds that we saw in the cliffs:

If you think you know, don't post your answer.  Instead, post a hint for the rest of the class; post a fact you find out about one of the birds to help point your classmates in the right direction.

I'll start with mine: Both birds are types of 'auks' (another bird in the same family is the puffin; auks are closely related to, but not the same as, penguins).  Good luck!

We're off to London tomorrow morning, so you may not hear from me for a while.


  1. I have no idea what that is. But I do know that it's not a great auk (if you don't know what that is, look it up), but one of the auks sure looks like one!

    1. Also, I'd like to see some photos of your nephew sometime.

  2. It looks like a cross between a penguin and a kereru. Maybe a peguru ;)

  3. Hi guys, thanks for all the questions about my nephew - I won't be meeting him for another week, so hold your horses!!

  4. It is definately not a Black Guillemot. If you dont know what it is then search it up

  5. I really don't know the answer have fun in london MISS YO JO we are having so much fun with her ( she is the best but not as u.) :}

  6. It looks like penguin and a bird it might be a pengird?? and I miss u jo and I can't wait to see photos of your nephew:)

  7. Really not sure what it is but don't think it's a penguin maybe it's some sort of gull?Cant be sure though kinder hard. Anyway I miss you Jo as well hope you have a great rest of the journey!

  8. Right, well the one on the left is a guillemot, the one on the right is a razor bill. The guillemot nests up high in the cliffs. When the guillemot chicks are big enough to learn how to fly, they launch themselves off the cliffs and into the sea. They become known as jumplings. Then they sit on the sea for up to 6 months learning how to fly!

    I miss all of you guys too. Thanks for the lovely messages. Keep checking the blog - photos of Malcolm later next week!

  9. Those birds look slick!

  10. ABBEY IS AWESOME!!!5 May 2014 at 18:46

    i have no idea though it looks a bit like a penguin!!!!
