Tuesday 25 June 2013

Luke's first day at the new school - discussion please

Today we read about Luke's experience of his first day at the new school.  It is clear that Luke dresses differently from the other students.
Thinking about the way he played during the softball game (see section from the chapter below).  Why do you think Luke might have played that way?  How do you think he might be feeling?

From the book (Not Even, by Liz van der Laarse, p.42-43):

"Hey, fulla," his captain called, "you want to go backstop?"  Luke shook his head, walking out to the back to field.  The first batter did a slogger straight towards Luke.  He didn't bother jumping for it but let it sail past.  He turned and walked to where the ball landed.  The batter got a home run.
When it was his team's turn to bat again, (...) Luke grimaced as he took the bat from the captain.
"Strike one," the teacher called.  "Luke, if you don't strike at it and it's a good one, it's still a strike.  Right?"
The pitcher let fly again.  Luke made no attempt to hit it.
"Strike two.  Luke, on the third strike you've got to run, even if you don't hit it."
The ball whistled straight past Luke.
"Strike three.  Run, Luke, run."
Luke saw the backstop reach for the ball and started walking towards base one.
"Run, Luke.  Out on one.  Three down.  Change over."
Luke carried on walking out to his fielding position.  One of the boys in his team walked past.  "You didn't even try," he said.  Luke looked away.


  1. I think that Luke didn't make an effort because he felt uncomfortable around the other kids and a little shy.

  2. i think luke felt uncomfortable and bullied because the other kids had been teasing him about how he dressed and what he looks like

  3. Thanks for your thoughts, guys. It can be pretty tough coming in to a new environment, can't it. I wonder, does it feel a bit like that at the start of Year 7?

    1. Yes it did feel a little like that when I came to balmoral but when I got to know the school more and got some friends I got used to the enviroment.

    2. Yeah I think it would be a bit like starting year 7 but it would be like a 1000 times worse because he didn't know anyone. At least at the start of year 7 I had some friends:)

  4. yeah my friends really helped me gain more confidence

  5. I thought Luke might be a bit scared about coming into this new school so he is just feeling lonely and just does not feel like doing anything also he might feel a bit left out because of what he wears so just's needs some time to adjust

    1. Yes Luke must be very scared and feeling lonely but like sophie said friends help gain more confidence

    2. Yeah I agree it can be hard making friends but it would be even harder when everyone are already have big groups of friends!! And he had dressed how he dressed at his old school that made him look weird at his new school!!

  6. I think that Luke dressed like he did at his old school but at the new school every body dresses differently and what he wears every body thinks it is weird.
