Monday 17 June 2013

Not Even - the move up north with Pa

We are reading about Luke, an 11 year old boy who lives in Auckland with his mum, Blue (mum's partner) and newborn baby Kara.  Luke has been getting into some trouble, and in the chapter we have just read, he has gone to live in Northland with his koro, Pa.

Discuss: What do you think of this move?  Do you think it is a good idea for Luke or not?  Why, why not?


  1. the awesome dragon is yahya
    I think it is good for Luke to go with pa up north so he can see his family up there again.

  2. Thank you for your thoughts, Yahya. What does everyone else think?

    1. I think that everyone would be happy to see him again up north

  3. I think that its a REALLY in depth story and i love the story so far
    and i really have no idea what the author has next!!!

  4. I think Its good that luke is going up with his pa, maybe when he comes back he will have better maners

    1. I really agree with your statement Ashden [the panda that talks] but I would like to know how he gets better manners.

    2. Great question, Yahya. I wonder if he will make a good friend at school who helps him see a different way of living. Or maybe his Pa will... What does everyone else think?

  5. I think Luke just wanted some attention from his parents or someone else like Pa

  6. i want to hear what happens next IM HOOKED!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I think that Luke doesn't want to go but he is forced to go
