Tuesday 11 June 2013

What Sounds Look Like

Today we did an activity which is about listening to sounds. What we did was we went outside onto the middle courts and spread out and sat where we desiered. Then we sat for about 12 to 15 minutes and listened to all of the sounds around us and drew them into our books. Afterwards we shared our thoughts about how we liked the activity and some of us shared what we had drawn in our books. Some of our thoughts about this were things like that it was easy and it was relaxing , calm , fun, awesome and peaceful.


  1. I think it was cool cause it got to show how people respond to what they think the sound could be.

    1. I completely agree with you Beth

  2. It was cool to see what picture you have in your mind before the ohh that's ................ sets in!!
    It made me feel relaxed, tired, sleepy and also a little bit weird because I have never thought about what my mind draws quite like that!!

  3. What day was this?
