Thursday 1 August 2013

rome and other interesting places

dear room 5

it has been ages since I posted some thing and subsequently. I  am very guilty :(. The flight to rome was very cool we flew over the french alps which were very interesting. Rome was a bit of a culture shock it was sizzling hot and a and all very loud. Luckily our apartment was air conditioned. My dad loved rome he thought all the little side streets were the best bit, they all had character and all had a church or some thing. We saw the colosseum, St Peters church and the pantheon. The flight back was boring we didn't go over the alps and it was cloudy thankfully it was only 2 hours long. Then we were packing up and driving to scotland, home of the haggis monster. We went to stay at one of my mums old friends that lived right next to the water. Mum also showed us the hills she climbed when she lived in scotland and now i'm in Denmark at my aunt and uncle. Tomorrow its lego land.


  1. Hi Kerwyn,

    Yes we had been wondering where you were and what you were doing. We are all back at school now and everyone here in Room 5 says hi or hey. We miss you Kerwyn!
    It's good that you're having a good time. We're so envious! Bring us all back some lego, or another souvenir eh. We have a new classmate from Denmark, so say hi to her country from Jacqueline.

    Did you visit the Vatican City when you were in Rome? Say hi to Italy from Jasman, and Scotland from Jo too.

    We hope your trip continues to be excellent!

    From Room 5

  2. Hi kerwyn

    where are you ?

    bring back some lego for the boys
    reply back soon
    by gary
