Tuesday 13 August 2013

Pa in peril

Luke's Pa has been swept onto the rocks by a wave.  He is critically injured and unconscious.  Night has fallen, but luckily Luke has lit a fire to make sure they don't get too cold.

Use your inference skills - How is Luke feeling?  What clues does the author give us to work this out?
How would you feel if you were in Luke's position?  Would you know what to do?


  1. Luke is feeling a bit scared
    I would be not able to think or do something if I was in that kind of position

  2. I think Luke is scared and worried for his pa if I was in Luke's position I would freak out and cry and try to stop the bleeding.

  3. i think luke is scared and if i was in his position i would try to find help

  4. I think Luke is really scared and the author shows this by saying their were tears on his face. If I were him, I would try and get us to a safer place.

  5. I think that luke is very worried about his pa and he is really scared

  6. I think Luke was really scared

    I won't be able to think, speak or even look at pa

  7. i totally agree with alex i would be so scared

  8. I think Luke doesn't really know what to do!! I think he is trying to think what he could do!

  9. I think luke wuold feel doomed and scared

  10. i think luke was toots scared!!!! and worried about him.
