Friday 30 August 2013

Monday diary

Chopper Challenge on Monday, so don't forget your PE gear!

Thursday 29 August 2013

The End!

Wow, I can't believe we've just finished our read to book, 'Not Even'!

1. What did you think of the ending?
2. What do you think the title means?  Can you think of an alternative title for the book?
3. What do you think of the main character, Luke?  How would you describe him in three words?

Monday 26 August 2013

Impromptu speeches - comments please

Tomorrow Sharon will be giving you a chance to have a go at an impromptu speech.

Time to get some practice in...  If I asked you RIGHT NOW to do an impromptu speech about how to survive an X Factor audition, what would be your introduction?  Post in the comments (or email to me if comments aren't working for you).

Remember, hook your audience in with one of these:
- rhetorical question
- shock/startling statistic
- quotation
- mini story

Whoa, don't think about it too much though - remember it's IMPROMPTU.  Think about it for no more than one minute, starting.... NOW!

Thursday 22 August 2013

What next for Luke?

Luke is trying to get out to get help for his koro, his Pa.  There's only a little bit of the book left to read.

Are there any questions you have that you hope are going to be answered in the last section of the book?  Also, what do you think of the book at the moment?

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Chopper Challenge

If you've not started yet, it's time to get busy seeking sponsorship for our Chopper Challenge, which starts next week.  All funds raised go to the Westpac Rescue Helicopter.

If you'd like to set up a system where you can get sponsors online (especially if you reckon your family friend in Hamilton, your auntie in the South Island or your cousin overseas might sponsor you), go to this website to sign up: 

And you can follow our progress online here:

Let's show them what you can do!

Monday 19 August 2013

Paula Green's blog

Tomorrow the author Paula Green is spending time with us to share her experience writing for children.

Find out more about her on her blog here:

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Super speeches!

It's speech writing time...

You will each be writing a 2.30mins-3.00mins long speech to inform and entertain your audience.  This could be a persuasive speech, but it does not have to be.  What are you thinking you will write yours about?

You should write a speech about something you already know lots about, so you can focus on writing instead of research.  The deadline's really close - start of week 5 we will have our class competition.

Pa in peril

Luke's Pa has been swept onto the rocks by a wave.  He is critically injured and unconscious.  Night has fallen, but luckily Luke has lit a fire to make sure they don't get too cold.

Use your inference skills - How is Luke feeling?  What clues does the author give us to work this out?
How would you feel if you were in Luke's position?  Would you know what to do?

Monday 12 August 2013

Prediction time again...

Hmmm, looks like we need to dust off our predicting strategies again.

"Just as he finished [Luke] heard the whoosh and crash of pounding water.  Pa shouted.  Water sprayed over the top of the rock and rushed round either side of the boulder, drenching him.  'What the ...?' "

What do you think happens next?  And what do you think Luke will do about it?

Wednesday 7 August 2013

Where is Luke going?

Luke has just switched the TV off and left the house.  Why do you think he did that?  Where do you think he is going?

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Hej from Denmark/lego land

Hi Room 5

Legoland was awesome. We spent 11 hours there! My favourite bit was mini land, they had an entire oil rig built of Lego. They also had a Star Wars mini land. Rides were plentiful, my favourite was the Polar X-Plorer which was a very exciting roller coaster. We got a funny picture out of it where everyone is looking very relaxed except my Dad and Uncle Garrick.
Another good ride was the Dragon roller coaster - for most of the time it travelled at about 5 km/hour through a castle until the last 10 seconds when it sped up to about 60 km/hour. Mum didn't like that bit.
By the way Hej Jacqueline Det er dejligt og hyggligt i Danmark.

kerwyn bennett

Friday 2 August 2013

Cultural mufti day

Next Wednesday the entire school will be dressing in 'cultural mufti'.  Balmoral School is awash with different ethnicities and on this day we are going to see all the style and colour that our cultures have to offer.

What will you wear on Wednesday instead of uniform to represent your culture(s)?  Comment below!

Thursday 1 August 2013

Examples of Social Justice and Injustice

Find an example of social justice or social injustice happening in the news, read it and bring to school tomorrow (Friday).

If you find an article on the internet, please email Jo the link or comment with the link.

Check out the video we watched today too:

rome and other interesting places

dear room 5

it has been ages since I posted some thing and subsequently. I  am very guilty :(. The flight to rome was very cool we flew over the french alps which were very interesting. Rome was a bit of a culture shock it was sizzling hot and a and all very loud. Luckily our apartment was air conditioned. My dad loved rome he thought all the little side streets were the best bit, they all had character and all had a church or some thing. We saw the colosseum, St Peters church and the pantheon. The flight back was boring we didn't go over the alps and it was cloudy thankfully it was only 2 hours long. Then we were packing up and driving to scotland, home of the haggis monster. We went to stay at one of my mums old friends that lived right next to the water. Mum also showed us the hills she climbed when she lived in scotland and now i'm in Denmark at my aunt and uncle. Tomorrow its lego land.