Monday 10 March 2014

Camp Recovery

Wow, what an incredible camp experience we had!

What was your personal highlight?  Did you take any great photos?  What's a favourite picture you have that you took (or would have taken if you had a camera) at camp?


  1. Well I don't have any photos but CAMP WAS AN AMAZING EXPERIENCE!!!!! Hope everyone had a good time xD

  2. I would've taken a photo of the beautiful landscape we could see when we went on the tramp.

  3. my fav was the beautiful view of the tramp and the cold experience of the water fall, it was the best time ever.

  4. I didn't take a picture sadly but I really enjoyed the blow karting and the freezing water of the waterfall and going under it!

  5. If I had a camera I wood of taken a photo of the camp when the people looked like ants.

  6. I had a a camera and i have token HEEPS of photos and i have sent devesh but my favourite thing i liked in camp was the Burma trail it wasn't even scary.

  7. I had my camera and I took a photo of the beautiful landscape from the tramp. Can I put the photo on the blog?

  8. I didn't have my camera but camp was AMAZING thanks all the teachers and parents that were involved!

  9. i would have taken a photo of me under the water fall

  10. camp was just so much fun... yes, yes it was>:D

  11. I loved the blokarts, and mum got a photo of me on them, and I would've liked to have a picture of me under the waterfall.

  12. My highlights were: Burma trail , Kareoke night and the waterfall swim.
    If I had a camera I would've taken photos of me and my friends enjoying our
    camp experience at Piha Mill.

  13. I would have taken a picture of the great view at the top of the tramp.

  14. I got a great picture of the waterfall and a picture of the camp from the tramp. I loved the Karaoke night. If I could put the pictures on here I would but I have no idea how.

  15. I would have taken a picture of me on the blokarts. so fun!

  16. i loved the tramp view and the bermal trail it was fun!!!!!!

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  18. i would've taken a picture of the water fall
