Thursday, 27 March 2014

Ruby's Arrival

Ruby, the baby elephant arrived in Ivan's world today, but Stella the elephant does not seem happy.  "Ivan, it will never, ever be okay."

What do you think she means by this?  How do you feel about Ruby arriving at the Big Top Mall?


  1. I find it sad that ruby is at the big top mall and I think Stella feels the same way because I imagine that she was probably taken away from her family and then she went from forest surrounding to cage home.

  2. From my point of view, I feel the same thing Ruby was taken from her beloved family but now stored in a cage she's sad and Stella's because of her nature life (and how she was captured... :(

    1. Whoops! Supposed to place a fully-stop at the end of cage.

  3. Stella felt sad that ruby was also token away from her family like Stella did maybe? What's next?

    1. In a another opinion stella might not want any other elephant to come to the zoo because she wants to be treated as the great. "who knows." I don't think so just saying that might 2 % right :D

  4. i agree with lucy, i think stella is sad to see ruby come to big top mall because she probably got separated from her parents

  5. I think Stella's sad because she got taken away from her family and she doesn't want the same to happen to ruby

  6. I think she thinks that they'll never be free, and happy

  7. she is not happy because there is another elephant that is not free in the wild.

  8. I think she is not happy because there is a another elephant and she will never be happy again?

  9. I agree with what Madzi said and adding on to it I think it was a good thing that Ruby arrived because the Big Top Mall needed a new animal because no one was going to see any of the animals so now there is anew animal every one will want to check it out.

  10. In my opinion, Stella doesn't want one of her kind stuck in a lousy domain like her, Bob and Ivan are. She wants Ruby to be a free elephant, out in the wild.

  11. ABBEY IS AWESOME!!!27 March 2014 at 20:06

    I think Stella thought back to when she got split up from her family obviously it was very hard and sad for her and so she didn't want that to happen to ruby!
    I think they wanted to add ruby to the mall was to get more costumers to make more money they need more baby animals because that's what people like to watch !

  12. She doesn't want another of her kind in a domain instead of the wild.

  13. Stella is sad because Ruby was taken away from her family just like Stella

    1. I forgot to add on "was" at the end of the sentence

  14. Stella is sad because Ruby was taken away from her family just like Stella

  15. I think ruby reminders Stella of her family

  16. i feel pretty happy that Ruby arrived and confused at how Stella doesn't seem happy? i think Stella is not happy because, maybe she can't take care of Ruby?

  17. I feel happy that Ruby has arrived. But I think Ruby misses her family, and she might be scared of meeting new people.

  18. i feel good that ruby came and she maybe will get them some money but i think the other animals feel scared and worried.
