Thursday, 8 May 2014

Domain or Cage?

I feel something tighten in my chest, something dark and hot. "And it's not a domain," I add.  I pause, and then I say it.  "It's a cage."

From 'The One and Only Ivan' by K. Appleton

Domain or cage - they're just words.  But what is the difference between the words?  Why do you think Ivan has made this statement?


  1. Ivan has a domain because it has got things like a tree and a tyre swing. I searched up the definition of the word cage and it said 'a structure of bars or wires in which birds or other animals are confined.' And that is what ruby lives in.

  2. I think when he got captured, he got into a metal cage as well and that he is kind of expressing about his childhood.

  3. maybe Ivan knows that Ruby is going to get caught bye someone or/ and get put into a cage to die

  4. I reckon Ivan said it was a cage because he used to say it was a domain and Stella and Bob used to tell him that it was actually a cage. But that was before Stella died and Ruby came into his life. I think he's realised humans aren't so great.

  5. A domain to me means lots of space lots of attention and lots of things to do.
    but a cage sounds like, metal bars surrounding you nothing to do and no much room. Ivan might remember the same environment for him in his early days and sort of compare it to ruby as a cage.

  6. A domain is a nice place with lots to do and has a big space
    A cage is small not much to do and no space

  7. A domain is more sort of am place to roam around and it usually is a big space, where as a cage is kind of more enclosed and empty. I think Ivan said cage because Stella has told him this but he refused to believe it but now he realises that he really he is in a cage and since Mack has threaten Ruby it makes it seem more like a cage then ever!

  8. I think that domains are an animal playground, and cages are an animal prison.

  9. ABBEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =0 =) =]8 May 2014 at 20:19

    i think Ivan changed his mind about that he lives in a cage not a domain is because Mack threatened ruby and so he realized that this is a cage,he has been there basically all his life and so he wants to say that its a domain but actually deep inside he knows that its a cage!!!!

  10. A cage has something confined to it, but in a domain, the thing inside it is allowed to roam free. Ivan is trying to say they are trapped

  11. I think think that Ivan means that in a domain, you have the right to freedom. In a cage, you have no such right. Ivan knows that they have no right to freedom in their so called "domain".

  12. because he just figured out where he really lives and what he lives in

  13. i think that the domain is like a freedom like finn said and the cage is like your suck there and how you get treated is different.

  14. Domain has lots of open play area but cage is all closed in

  15. domain is place of bit of freedom, and cage is where you are trapped.
