Friday 23 May 2014

Room 5 Week 3 video report

Thank you to Lucy and Yami for this week's video report.  Photos below also of latest work on Trash to Fashion.


  1. I had lots of fun making that video and hope the class liked it to!

  2. It was really fun making this video with lucy. It took us a little while to figure owhat to do at the ending. Because at the ending lucy and i wanted to be together in the ending. B ut finally we figured out what to do. I had the awesomest week ever, bubt i was sad i couldn"t be in most stuff because i had to do the news report. Next time i and lucy will try to make it a bit more funnier. hope you guys liked it.

  3. I thought the video was great!

  4. I REALLY LIKED THE VIDEO:) Good job Lucy and Yami you both did are good video and it was so fun to watch and I liked the rich task photos and yeah it was so AWSOME!!!!:) :)

  5. I found it really fun to do the interview and watch the news report. Thanks to
    everyone for making this a awesome week!

  6. Pretty cool! I like how at the end you only showed your shadows. That was clever


  7. The video was very enjoyable and props to Lucy to and Yami for making it.

  8. brilliant report guys, it was fun to watch, i love how you made it

  9. ABBEY IS AWESOME!!! =D =O :)27 May 2014 at 19:56

    ITS AWESOME!!!! =O =D

  10. Loved shadows at the end. It probably could have done with some humour, but apart from that the video is AMAZING!!!

  11. video was great, nice job Lucy&Yami I think that week was great thumbs up:)

  12. it was a fantastic video Lucy&Yami, i thought the shadows were funny:D Thank you Bella for teaching me sewing:)

  13. great video !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    thank you lucy and yami !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
