Tuesday 24 September 2013

Berlin Wall discussion

For today's blog discussion, please visit Sophie, Miranda and Leah's blog about the Berlin Wall and Freedom of Movement.  Their most recent posts give you a personal story from the Berlin Wall, and invite you to think a little deeper about your responses to their poll: WHY did you vote yes, no or not sure in response to the question "Does anyone ever deserve to be kept in one spot?"

So, have a think about that question, and post your thoughts and discussion on the Freedom of Movement Project blog here: http://thefreedomofmovementproject.blogspot.co.nz/2013/09/your-thoughts.html

And if you have a chance, have a look at the rest of the blog and leave some comments.


  1. no, because we should all be together and doing something, so my answer is no!!

    Beth Reid

  2. no because that is not right so no
