Thursday 12 September 2013

The Slobberers - the second character

Paul Jennings, our author, just switched to write from a different character's perspective in our read to book, The Slobberers.  He has used this new character to drop in all sorts of new and unexpected clues to really keep us guessing: How did he hurt his leg?  How did Dawn's mum die?  What does all of this have to do with the old school bus?

What do you think?


  1. It is really confusing

  2. I think he hurt his leg because he was in the old school bus when it crashed and maybe Drew's mum dying has something to do with the school bus when it crashed but I'm not sure about the rest and I think that Drew's stepbrother is really mean.

  3. I think he hurt his leg during the bus crash and the mum died by drowning (in the text it says this) and i also wonderd how the school bus crashed also the worm boy is really meant to dawn..

  4. I like this book because it is really intense!
