Tuesday 17 September 2013

Word Science and Fitness??

We had a go at combining Word Science and Fitness today - it seemed to be pretty successful.  There was the usual shared document, in which we were to brainstorm words in teams.  Today it was words with the 'k' sound at either the beginning, middle or end.

But this time, the netbooks were at one end of a court, and we were at the other, racing each other in relays to get as many words in as possible.
Tomorrow we will examine the words we entered: Are there any that don't quite belong and why?  What are the different spelling patterns for the 'k' sound in words?  Check it out!


  1. that was so fun, but unluckily I just had chance to
    do one word

  2. that's was heaps of fun and you can hear my move alot in that video

  3. I enjoy this it was hard thinking of the words but i managed to work it out i think we should try this again sometime

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. It was really interesting because you don't usually do stuff like that but it was fun!

  6. So much fun it was really interesting because its something new and we usually don't do stuff like that. :)

  7. Great feedback, guys, thank you. It's really helpful for me to know when something has worked for you and provided a fun/enjoyable/different learning experience, so I can keep the good stuff in our programme.

  8. i think it was fun to combine word science with fitness and you had to use a lot of teamwork

  9. Rather spiffing, I say

  10. I think if we do this again we should try having 1 person every time go and think of as many words as you can in a limited time

  11. Thanks for even more feedback, and Trey, great to think of variations, thank you for that suggestion. It's always good to mix it up in as many different ways as we can.

  12. I think it is a really fun the way that we do word science, and I think we should do this every time we have word science, because its great fun!!!!
