Monday 3 February 2014

2014 - Here We Come!

Welcome to 2014 in Room 5!

What a journey we will have together this year!  I'm looking forward to meeting you all tomorrow and getting started with a whole near year.

This blog will be mainly used for after school discussions started during the day, and regular updates from YOU the student on what you have been learning.

This is our blog.  It will be as good as what we all put into it!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. U mm..... Jo I had already had an Google account so I made an Blog account and I wasn't really sure if we had to type something in so yeah..... I typed we are going to have a BLAST this year!!!! :)

    2. Awesome, Devesh. Well done for taking the initiative! We'll be getting our blog discussions on the go daily now. I look forward to your contributions!
