Monday 24 February 2014

Your escape activity

Room 5, I'm sorry this has gone up late.  A long meeting straight after school has just finished.  So this can be your blog discussion for Monday AND Tuesday afternoons, so you can all have the chance to respond:

In The One and Only Ivan, we have just read a section about Ivan and his art.  On page 17 he says:

"But even though I draw the same things over and over again, I never get bored with my art.  When I'm drawing, that's all I think about.  I don't think about where I am, about yesterday or tomorrow.  I just move my crayons across the paper."

What is your activity like that, something you do that removes you from the here and now?


  1. (it's OK for typing this late) I don't get what you mean but if I am correct, my guess is PLAYING CRICKET and DOING MATHS!!!!!!!!

    1. (I don't think of anything else ;)!!)

  2. I am really unsure about his question but if it's what you mean I like laying sport and hanging out with friends

  3. My answer is doing juggling a football with my feet.
    Its like i never want to stop doing it.
    (So addictive).

  4. or playing lego

  5. Playing on the computer

  6. My activity that I lose myself in is bouncing on the trampoline. I do it every day, sometimes for hours, and I get all my thinking done there.

  7. My activities are mostly reading a novel, but I usually do it when I've done the activity for a long time.

  8. I lose myself when I sing and when I draw

  9. usually video games or a book
