Friday 7 February 2014

Room 5's Class Treaty

This week, we've spent a lot of time getting to know how the school, the classroom, Jo and our classmates work.  As part of this, we worked together to create our class treaty - the expectations we have of each other to make sure Room 5 is a happy, safe and comfortable place to learn.

We expect from Jo that she…
Will make learning fun. (For example outside activities)
Will respect us, and treat us fairly.
Will help us learn, supporting us when we are stuck, and pushing us to learn new things.
Will encourage us to conquer our fears.
Will walk the talk, and be a role-model  :)!

Jo expects from us that we…
Approach school and learning with a positive attitude.
Be open to taking risks and trying new things.
Support and respect Jo, each other and the classroom.
Take ownership and responsibility for our own behaviour and learning.
Complete work on time and to the best of our ability (and beyond) – stick with it!

We expect from each other that we…
Being respectful, friendly and honest. For example, no talking behind peoples backs.
Being involved, working together and working at the topic at hand.
Always support and encourage people in need.
Treat people how you want to be treated.
Share ideas and communicate. :)


  1. We have also signed it with our thumb print, so when we don't follow our class treaty we can look back at it and say "oh yeah i remember now"

    1. I liked signing it with my thumbprint

    2. Yep good statement :)

    3. Good statement :)

  2. Awesome, Navjot and Yaqub. Well done for taking the initiative! We'll be getting our blog discussions on the go daily now. I look forward to your contributions!
