Wednesday 26 February 2014

Westerns vs Real Life

Ivan enjoys Western movies - because you can tell who the good guys are and who the bad guys are, and the good guys always win. (The One and Only Ivan p.24)

But then his friend Bob tells him that Westerns are nothing like real life...

Do you agree with Bob?
If yes, give an example of a difference between Westerns and real life.
If you don't agree, explain why.


  1. Yes, I do agree with Bob because all the westerns do is FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! They (westerns) don't see the reality of real life, so they should STOP and live peacefully/calmly... NO FIGHTING!!!!!

  2. I agree with bob because no one really walks in to a town with a gun and then some one else suddenly appears with a gun too and then they just randomly start fighting.

  3. yes, bob is right, cause Westerns are made for entertainment and so are really unrealistic

  4. I agree with Bob westerns are not realistic

    1. Westerns are just about people shooting people

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Yes, I agree with Bob because all the westerns do is FIGHT! So like Devesh said I think they should stop fighting and live peacefully and calmly!

  6. i agree with bob because no one walks into a shop and everybody stares at him . then that person who is getting stared at starts shooting everyone
    (thats what i think happens in western movies).

  7. i agree with bob, because westerns don't actually talk like that.And its just a program that is not real...and like what Louis said the person who is stared at, doesn't just starts shooting people haha.

  8. i agree with bob, cause in western movies there has to be a story line so the good guyss alway win and it only just a program like letete said.

  9. I do agree with bob several westerns are about fighting arguing and not agreeing with each other. They are not realistic for the good guys always win and in real life that doesn't happen.

  10. I'm not sure. In real life the people that win are always considered the good guys. For example world war 2, the people that won are considered the good guys but if Hitler's army had won then they would be considered the good guys

    1. Well, I think differently. If someone tried to take over the world and succeeded, do you REALLY think they would be considered a GOOD GUY?!?!

    2. Yeah just like Finn said! ;)

  11. Yes i do agree with bob because the westerns are always in a mood to fight.

  12. I agree with bob because we fight with determination not with guns
