Tuesday 19 August 2014


What a great set of mini-debates we had today!  Well done on all of you for giving it a go and using that persuasive language to debate the statement "Contemporary music is socially harmful."

What was a highlight for you?  Was there a particularly good point made in your debate?


  1. I liked sharing our different thoughts and just the general idea of it.

  2. i liked it because it wasn't to argue but to convince the other side?

  3. There was loads of good points in our discussion. A highlight would be listening to what the other people in my group thought. I would have liked to have more than one turn so I could counter the other teams's argument

  4. I liked it and it was all very fun, but I didn't have any particular highlights.

  5. There were a lot of strong points in our groups and we just had to counter it, the highlight for me would be listening to the other people in our group too.

  6. My favourite part was countering Charlie's points, I found it really challenging because he's got very good points!

  7. I was confident in presenting my points, but got to stuck in the moment i lost my words. I guess the highlight for me would be, having fun, and knowing that it was just a practice. My favorite part was when i was trying soo hard to come up with another reason in 10 seconds and i kept scrunching my eye and holding on to the table very tightly, but then 10 sec were over and i just said "a joke" and my group started laughing.( i loved their smiles)

  8. I thought our teams were really good at counter backing and made really good points.

  9. It was fun and I wasn't as nervous as I thought I would be.
    I think going in that particular order made it a really good argument.
