Thursday 21 August 2014

Tell me about tech!

I'm always aware that I don't know much about what you do with the tech teachers.  So tell me:

What was something you learned in specialisation today?


  1. I learnt that you have to be extra careful when measuring and drawing on plywood and make sure it is straight and measured correctly in order to get everything right.

  2. we sewed pockets onto our swimming or book bag for the gr8 day out but most of my tech class students didn't finish so they have to go tomorrow lunch time to finish their incomplete bag and i looooove sewing on a sewing machine it is so much fun and easy than hand stitching. To say, Mrs Afosa is a bit strict on expectations.

  3. we sewed our pockets on to our swimming bags

  4. I found out that lots and lots of planning and designing goes into making/building things.

  5. Tech felt way shorter then usual,but it was fun and frightening at the same time.
    Miss Theresa Afosa is a very cool tech teacher.

  6. I found out how to make a clock with decorations on it (I didn't know how to make a clock but now i do) also you have to be very very careful with measuring and drawing on plywood because if u don't u could get your whole design ruined.

  7. That cutting with a electric saw thingy is really hard

  8. I learnt that there's no limit to the times I can prick myself with a pin and also how to create button loops.

  9. I learnt that you need to be very careful when you are using the drill saw in wood-works because, a drill saw can literally cut through anything in it's way. And a bit of my thumb got in the way so...You know. It really hurts!!!! Aahh!

  10. We learnt how to sew pockets especially by sewing.. :Ooo :)

  11. we learnt how to sew pockets and we machine stitch the side of our swimming bags
