Thursday 7 November 2013

Liz van der Laarse

How exciting!  Today we got an email from Liz van der Laarse, the author of our previous read-to book, 'Not Even':

Kia ora Joanna and Room 5,

I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed reading Ms. Odds' questions and your comments about my novel 'Not Even'.
When I write I am by myself, with pictures in my mind of how the story goes. But of course I write to share the story with kids just like you. It was very cool for me to see how you felt about the characters and the story.

I have just republished 'Not Even' as an ebook/ibook and given it a new cover.
It's facebook page is:

Thanks again for sharing,

Liz van der Laarse

We will definitely write back to her.  What would you like to say or ask her? 


  1. maybe we could ask where she got her inspiration for the book from???
    and maybe also where she is from???

  2. maybe we could ask her what was her first and favourite book

  3. I agree with Tara we should ask her where she got her inspiration for Not Even and her background. Personally I think it was one of the best books I've ever read. MADS :)

  4. maybe we should ask her what types of books she likes to read/write also how she found our blog and yeah

  5. maybe we can ask her what her first book she ever read and maybe where she was inspired?

  6. We could maybe ask her:

    How she found our blog??
    How did she come up with the idea to write not even??
    If she bases her books on true stories??

    1. I agree with Miranda that we should ask her if she bases her books on true stories and how she found our blog!

  7. i would like to know how she found the blog and where she got her ideas from

  8. I would like to know how she found the blog.

  9. are you working on any books currently

  10. we could ask about how she got the inspiration to become an author

  11. Do you ever not like writing a book

  12. I would like to know how you found us
