Thursday 21 November 2013

Our first limericks

We have now learned the rhythm and rhyming patterns for limericks.  Here is our first attempt, starting with the word 'pig':

There is a big pig
With tickets to a gig
He went to the gig
and found a lady pig
They trotted away to have some figs

There once was a pig named fig
He really really liked to dig
And chew on a mug
And drink from a jug
But then he tripped on a fat twig

From America there was a young pig
Who wanted to go to a gig
He fell off the stage
Got zapped by a mage
And could not be resurrected by a fig

There once was a super fat pig
Who really liked to chew on twigs
He liked to eat hay
For the whole long day
That made him extremely big

There once a little pink pig
Who found he loved to dig
He once dug a hole
And found a mole
Then decided to eat a fig

There was a pig who loved to dig
He was very big and wore a wig
His first name was Red
He loved his big bed
His favourite food was big fat figs


  1. they all sound so good

  2. Wow cool! i kinda get lost in some. i hope i can FIGure it out!

  3. They are so funny! It was really fun writing them.

  4. I think there really good and at the start of the 2nd to last one it says "there once a little pink pig" does that make sense? i dont know im just asking

    1. Yes, you're right Trey. I was typing so fast I missed out the word 'was' - thanks for eagle-eye spotting there.

  5. It was so FUN!!! and silly they all were entertaining.

  6. They were so fun to write and they were entertaining, funny and silly!!!

  7. they all are very silly and fun good work

  8. they are so cool and they were fun to write.

  9. i liked Ashers one but i like all of them
