Monday 25 November 2013

The problem - How to save Ruby?

The problem that needs resolving in our read to book is now becoming very clear: How to save Ruby from her cage?

Imagine that you are Ivan.  Come up with a plan - how would you try and get Ruby out of Mack's 'zoo'?


  1. i think he should distract mac and then try and escape.

  2. use my base ball and smash a hole in the wall climb out go over to Mack's office
    and get the keys off Mack (by K,O ) and unlock the cage :) easy:/

  3. I would break the wall somehow then make monkey noises to distract Mack then Ruby can run away.

  4. yes i agree i would distract mack so ruby can escape

  5. i would slowly work away at the hole in the glass wall to sneak out then grab the keys from mack while hes distracted.

  6. I think he should pray to become like superman and then just fly away

  7. I agree with soph that would be a good idea ;)

  8. same i agree with soph it would be a good idea

  9. i don't know cause i did not hear the story today but all the idea's sound good

  10. I would smash Mac on the head and run away and then hide her in a park and try to get animal control away from her.

  11. I think ruby should hide in the dark side of her cage and when mack notices that where is ruby? He will open the cage and come inside, when he comes inside ruby should sneak out and run away quickly.

  12. i would break the bars and escape to a park.

  13. I would brake the glass of the domain and smack mac in the head then steal his keys and get her out of the terrible cage. Then I would run away afap (as fast as possible). I might take the claw stick with me as a weapon in case someone calls animal control.
