Monday 11 November 2013

Stella's future

It's prediction time: What do you think the future holds for Stella the elephant?

The next chapter we will read has the title 'The Promise' - Stella will ask Ivan to promise her something.  Based on what we know already, what do you think she will ask?


  1. No idea, but it sounds pretty serious.

  2. i have no idea sorry but maybe she has something to share that will shock every body

  3. I have no idea!! But I think it will be something unexpected!!

  4. I have no idea, but it's maybe a secret she haven't told anyone. It sounds serious

  5. I think something is really wrong with Stella like cancer in her foot, but maybe at the end of the story she turns out to be alright.

  6. I think she will tell Ivan to look after everyone and then die in the night

  7. I think she'll ask him for some chips, but tell him to keep quiet because she's on a diet.

  8. i think she will ask something interesting but i dont know what.

  9. maybe she asks him to promise her that he will take good care of ruby if something happens it her (e.g.She dies or someting like that)

  10. i dont really know but the vet might fix her foot but she also could die in the night but obviously all of the other animals care about her a lot and will look after her.

  11. i didn't get to hear the part when Stella dies but i thought that she might get a chance to live since the vet may fix her foot

  12. i tink she is going to come back alive and haunt the big top wall thingiiieeee le derp
